Friday, May 31, 2013

The perks of being an intern!

Sophie is our star intern working with our social media and marketing department. Read on to find out how she has found her time working with team LW...

"There is definitely a stigma attached to internships that you’ll get stuck making cups of tea for a month - but not at Lauren’s Way! Within my first week here I was helping the team plan an upcoming photo shoot, and contributing to all Lauren’s Way media platforms. Not only had I been given lots of fun things to do, the team had given me a spray tan and I also had my hair styled using a Lauren’s Way best seller, the big bun. Assisting with the social media I’ve been reading all your positive comments about LW tan and hair products, it was only fair I experienced them for myself!   

Sophie wearing her LW Hair extensions and LW Lashes!
So I had never had a spray tan before. Little did I know the procedure was similar to a gymnastics routine to ensure every inch of my body was perfectly bronzed! Opting for the 8% medium tan as I have quite fair skin, the colour applied evenly with no streaks that gave me a natural sun-kissed looking tan! 

To make sure the tan could intensify, I left the tan on overnight before showering. The next morning I showered and my tan looked amazing! I found out my pastel green skinny jeans and a white t-shirt to wear – even though it was dull and cloudy outside – this outfit was acceptable with a tan! Moisturising with Lauren’s Way tan enhancing moisturiser, one week on and my tan has faded evenly and I still have tan lines!

st week I also got to experience having my hair done Essex style, with a LW big bun! As I’m usually one to leave my hair as it dries, having my hair styled for me was a treat! Applied in seconds, with a cute plait around the front section of my hair, the big bun transformed my hair in minutes!

Sophie rocking the LW Big Bun!

From now on I will make sure I am topped up with all Lauren’s Way tan essentials! If you haven’t already tried LW tan you must! I used to be a dedicated fan of L’Oreal sublime bronze, but now I will most definitely be switching! Thanks LW!"

Lots of love team LW x

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